Friday, December 11, 2009

A Outpouring in Nebraska

I know this is going to be kinda over due but i still wanted to write about Nebraska.
October 20th-25th
I had the privilege to go to Nebraska with a good friend of mine Eddie Tait and 18 others from Bethel church in Redding. I just wanted to write about some of things there that really touched me.
For starters this group of 20 traveled all of the state of Nebraska, ministering and equipping the saints. It was amazing time. We went from Omaha (the furthest east) to Scotts Bluff (the furthest west) and all up ad down I80. We minster to so many churches who had never even seen a miracle before.
Even whole denominations were touched by the love, grace and power of my best friend Holy Spirit.
I am just going to list a few of the amazing things we saw...
People who had a leg shorter then the other, their leg grow out.
a high school girl couldn't get down on her knees was getting down and up no pain 100%
Depression lifted off people..
Back Pain (which includes all of the above, not sure a little sore)
Myself and a friend were going to this church plant in St. Paul, the night before god woke him up and told him that He was going to heal numbness. When we showed up there was a little over 20 people and we both had a list of words of knowledge. Personally I thought are all these words of knowledge in there. We were both blown away. There was at least 6 people in this room who had numbness (from legs, to arms etc). Depression was lifted back injuries, etc...
There was so many amazing things that happen in Nebraska but i am going to share one last story that I really enjoy.
It was during a time of worship and the team was going around ministering. I saw this man really overcome by the presence of God. I went to him and started prophesying Dreams over his life. I asked him if had dreams. He said he doesn't and if he does he doesn't recall it. When he said that i got a word of knowledge about nightmares. So i asked him if he had nightmares, he said "when i was a kid" So i prayed for him again. the next morning meeting he came up to me and said last night i had a dream of the Lord and woke up singing worship songs...

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